“We’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going to catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We’re not scared!”

This morning my son and I started our 2nd day of home remote learning by going on a bear hunt! Yes, that’s right! We went on a bear hunt…in Texas!

Let me just say, there are some amazing people in my neighborhood! One mom suggested we have a little fun with the kids and do this neighborhood bear hunt. All the neighbors on our Facebook page were asked to put a Teddy Bear in their window so the kids could get out and “hunt” for them! So many of our neighbors participated!

One neighbor shared a print out she found for the kids to keep tally of the number and color of bears we saw. It also had a place to make a graph after the hunt to see what color was seen the most/least and how many bears each house had. (I don’t know who created this document so I don’t want to share it on my page not having permission or I would. It’s something you could easily make though and turn it into a fun learning project too!)

How much better could this be for moms and kids that are going a little stir crazy inside!
- 1. It got us outside and it happened to be a gorgeous day! (And we did not have to go through tall grass, rivers, mud, forests, snowstorms or caves!)
- 2. It was math! Oh how I love nice neat graphs and my little math lover does too!
- 3. It was fun exercise and a nice change to just a typical walk around the neighborhood!
I have read the book, Going on a Bear Hunt, many times over the years! It was a favorite of my daughters and also became a favorite of my sons too! It was this book that this idea was based on.
If you have not seen the book or have not heard of it you can find it HERE!

If your neighborhood has a Facebook page or something similar and if yall have not done the bear hunt activity yet I would highly recommend it! I know the idea is circulating around quickly! I am not sure who came up with this idea and if I find out I will come and update here because I would love to give them credit! I am thankful the idea was created and has been shared! So, join the fun and keep sharing! Let’s keep making happy memories during this hard time!
Enjoy your Bear Hunt! Hope you catch a big one!!
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